About UKDF

The UK Design Forum (UKDF) was established way, way back as an ALVEY Directorate Club, sponsored by the DTI. Both ALVEY and the DTI have passed into history, but as UKDF was self-financing, it simply carried on.

UKDF promotes networking between people involved in electronics design, where electronics design has the broadest meaning. Participants at our activities come from industrial organisations, universities and research councils.

Members of the electronic design community, like you, run UKDF and organise its activities. Our main activity is an annual 24-hour workshop that brings all of us together. We believe that the UKDF workshop succeeds because it is different; it is highly informal, and – dare we say it in these straitened times – entertaining. For details about other past workshops, please use the Workshops menu entry. For workshops prior to 2008, please use the UKDF Archive menu entry to access historic talks.